Pensiunea Ancora din Predeal ofera 8 locuri in 4 camere cu pat matrimonial ,aranjate intr-un mod confortabil ,asigurand oaspetilor nostri , nevoia de relaxare si odihna.
Ancora Pension in Predeal offers 8 places in 4 rooms with double bed, arranged in a comfortable way and ensuring the need for relaxation and rest of our guests.
Toate camerele au : baie proprie( dotata cu uscător de păr, prosoape , cosmetice hoteliere,papuci de casa) ,balcon, TV cu ecran mare ,frigider tip minibar.
All rooms have: private bathroom (equipped with hairdryer, towels, hotel cosmetics, slippers), balcony, large screen TV, minibar refrigerator.
Facilităţi la dispoziţia clienţilor:
-Loc de joacă pentru copii.(Playground).
-Conexiune Internet wireless gratuita.(Free wireless).
-Servirea mesei în cameră.(Room service).
-Copiii cu vârsta pana 12ani au gratuitate la cazare in camera parintilor.
Children up to the age of 12 have free accommodation in their parents’ room.
-Plata se poate face cash, cu cardul (Visa/Mastercard) sau cu tichete / card de vacanţã.
Payment can be made in cash, by card (Visa / Mastercard) or by ticket / holiday card